Knitting beautiful documents in RStudio

Title: Knitting Beautiful Documents in RStudio Header: Markdown This document was written using Markdown in RStudio. RStudio is a wonderful IDE for writing R scripts and keeping track of variables, dataframes, history, packages and much more. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring web pages. It allows for easy formatting, for example # Header…

JSON, GeoJSON, Bash, and R

I’ve been hearing more and more about JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) recently. I still haven’t explored applications using it but I happen to come across two really nice blog posts today describing uses of and interactions with JSON in R and Bash Shell, so I decided to share: R, GeoJSON, and GitHub 7 command-line tools…

High Resolution Figures in R

As I was recently preparing a manuscript for PLOS ONE, I realized the default resolution of R and RStudio images are insufficient for publication. PLOS ONE requires 300 ppi images in TIFF or EPS (encapsulated postscript) format. In R plots are exported at 72 ppi by default. I love RStudio but was disappointed to find…

Building R packages: missing path to pdflatex

Recently whiling trying to build an R package for generalized estimating equation model selection (QICpack on github), I was getting an error related to latex creating the PDF package manuals. It seems like this is a relatively common problem on some versions of Mac OS X, but I did not find it easy to find…

GEE QIC update

Here is improved code for calculating QIC from geeglm in geepack in R (original post). Let me know how it works. I haven’t tested it much, but is seems that QIC may select overparameterized models. In the code below, I had to replace <- with = because wordpress didn’t except <- within code or pre…