Markdown for Manuscripts: Enhancements

Today was my first time using markdown for a manuscript methods section (see previous post on getting set up in markdown). It had lots of equations so using LaTeX to write the equations was quite nice. Here’s an example of the markdown code: \\[ \mu_{s,h,d,y} = \left\{ \begin{array}{1 1} \omega_{s,h,d,y} + \delta_{s}(t_{s,h,d-1,y} – \omega_{s,h,d-1,y}) &…

Introduction to Git

Overview Definitions Stash – place to hide modifications while working on something else Workspace – local checkout Index – staging area that holds a snapshot of the content of the working tree to be used in the next commmit Working Tree Local Repository – A subdirectory named .git that contains all of your repository files…

Teaching Scientific Computing: Peer Review

This post is going out on a bit of a limb because I am not familiar with the pedagogical literature relating to teaching scientific computing. As such, I can only speak from my very limited experience. I’ve taken a couple short courses on scientific computing, but the only formal full-semester course I’ve taken was Introduction…

Knitting beautiful documents in RStudio

Title: Knitting Beautiful Documents in RStudio Header: Markdown This document was written using Markdown in RStudio. RStudio is a wonderful IDE for writing R scripts and keeping track of variables, dataframes, history, packages and much more. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring web pages. It allows for easy formatting, for example # Header…