New Paper: Modeling Daily Stream Temperature

Our paper, “A hierarchical model of daily stream temperature using air-water temperature synchronization, autocorrelation, and time lags” was just published today in the journal PeerJ. We developed a statistical model of daily stream temperature for a watershed in Western Massachusetts, USA. We outline the major challenges of statistical stream modeling and show how our model…

No Statistical Panacea, Hierarchical or Otherwise

Everyone in academia knows how painful the peer-review publication process can be. It’s a lot like Democracy, in that it’s the worst system ever invented, except for all the others. The peer-review process does a fair job at promoting good science overall, but it’s far from perfect. Sure anyone can point out a hundred flaws…

Conference Presentations

I recently gave a talk at the Ecological Society of America (ESA) annual meeting in Portland, OR and a poster presentation at the World Congress of Herpetology meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Both presentations were comparing generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and generalized estimating equations (GEE) for analyzing repeated count data. I advocate for using…

Plotting 95% Confidence Bands in R

I am comparing estimates from subject-specific GLMMs and population-average GEE models as part of a publication I am working on. As part of this, I want to visualize predictions of each type of model including 95% confidence bands. First I had to make a new data set for prediction. I could have compared fitted values…